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Loyalty FAQ'sUpdated a year ago

How much are my points worth?

Your points can be redeemed by clicking the 'Redeem' button at the top of the page.

  • 500 points = £5 voucher
  • 1000 points = £10 voucher
  • 2000 points = £20 voucher
  • 5000 points = £50 voucher

Is there a limit to the number of points I can earn?

No. Go ahead and earn as many as you can!

Where can I find my voucher code?

Your voucher code will pop-up once you redeem your points. The code will also be sent to your email just in case you miss this, or click away. If you still can't find your code, please contact us through the Live Chat or our Contact Form.

Can I combine discounts?

Unfortunately, Loyalty voucher codes cannot be used alongside other discount codes. Only one code can be used per order, and we cannot combine these codes together, so make sure to redeem high value vouchers where you can.

What do the 'approved', 'pending' and 'cancelled' statuses mean?

Approved: These points can be redeemed on rewards immediately

Pending: These points need to be verified before you can redeem them. This typically applies to purchases and referrals

Cancelled: These points will not be added to your account. For example, this will happen if you cancel a purchase (the points will change from pending to cancelled)

I completed an activity but didn't earn points!

Points earned through making purchases can take up to 30 days after your package arrives to be approved. Other activities such as creating an account, downloading the app and following us on socials will only take a few minutes to process. Points earned through leaving a review will take up to 24 hours to process.

How do I leave the program?

If you no longer wish to earn points, please contact us and ask to be unenrolled. We'll unenroll you and you will lose any points you have accrued. We can re-enroll you, however, your point total will begin from zero.

Can I use my points during checkout?

Not directly - please redeem your points for a voucher which can then be applied during checkout.

What happens if I return an item that I used loyalty points to purchase?

If one item is purchased with loyalty points, the points will be refunded to your account along with any funds, if necessary. If multiple items are purchased, the loyalty points will be spread evenly throughout the order and the correlating points will be refunded according to what item/items were returned.

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