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When will an item be restocked?

If we don't have your desired item in stock then its best to sign up for a restock notification, you can do this on the product page of the item you want. We can't always promise everything will be restocked and if you've found an item in a Sale cate

I'd like to Wholesale P&Co goods

We really appreciate your interest and support!  However we don't currently stock our goods in any stores, if you are interested in stocking P&Co please email [email protected] with your store details, link and in brief what items your interested in. We'

Customer Service Operating times

We hope you can find all your answers on our help & info centre; if you need a little help, or just want to say hello, then please get in touch via live chat or email [email protected] Customer service operating times: Monday - Friday8:15am - 4:30pm BST.